# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
Text utils module contains implementations for various decoding strategies like
Greedy, Beam Search and Nucleus Sampling.
In your model's config you can specify ``inference`` attribute to use these strategies
in the following way:
.. code::
- type: greedy
- params: {}
import os
import re
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
import torch
from mmf.common.registry import registry
from mmf.utils.file_io import PathManager
from mmf.utils.general import get_absolute_path
SENTENCE_SPLIT_REGEX = re.compile(r"(\W+)")
[docs]def generate_ngrams(tokens, n=1):
"""Generate ngrams for particular 'n' from a list of tokens
tokens (List[str]): List of tokens for which the ngram are to be generated
n (int, optional): n for which ngrams are to be generated. Defaults to 1.
List[str]: List of ngrams generated.
shifted_tokens = (tokens[i:] for i in range(n))
tuple_ngrams = zip(*shifted_tokens)
return (" ".join(i) for i in tuple_ngrams)
[docs]def generate_ngrams_range(tokens, ngram_range=(1, 3)):
"""Generates and returns a list of ngrams for all n present in ngram_range
tokens (List[str]): List of string tokens for which ngram are to be generated
ngram_range (List[int], optional): List of 'n' for which ngrams are to be
generated. For e.g. if ngram_range = (1, 4) then it will returns
1grams, 2grams and 3grams. Defaults to (1, 3).
List[str]: List of ngrams for each n in ngram_range
assert len(ngram_range) == 2, (
"'ngram_range' should be a tuple" " of two elements which is range of numbers"
return chain(*(generate_ngrams(tokens, i) for i in range(*ngram_range)))
def tokenize(sentence, regex=SENTENCE_SPLIT_REGEX, keep=None, remove=None):
if keep is None:
keep = ["'s"]
if remove is None:
remove = [",", "?"]
sentence = sentence.lower()
for token in keep:
sentence = sentence.replace(token, " " + token)
for token in remove:
sentence = sentence.replace(token, "")
tokens = regex.split(sentence)
tokens = [t.strip() for t in tokens if len(t.strip()) > 0]
return tokens
def word_tokenize(word, remove=None):
if remove is None:
remove = [",", "?"]
word = word.lower()
for item in remove:
word = word.replace(item, "")
word = word.replace("'s", " 's")
return word.strip()
def load_str_list(fname):
with PathManager.open(fname) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
return lines
class VocabDict:
UNK_TOKEN = "<unk>"
PAD_TOKEN = "<pad>"
END_TOKEN = "</s>"
def __init__(self, vocab_file, data_dir=None):
if not PathManager.exists(vocab_file) and data_dir is not None:
vocab_file = get_absolute_path(os.path.join(data_dir, vocab_file))
if not PathManager.exists(vocab_file):
raise RuntimeError(f"Vocab file {vocab_file} for vocab dict doesn't exist")
self.word_list = load_str_list(vocab_file)
def _build(self):
if self.UNK_TOKEN not in self.word_list:
self.word_list = [self.UNK_TOKEN] + self.word_list
self.word2idx_dict = {w: n_w for n_w, w in enumerate(self.word_list)}
# String (word) to integer (index) dict mapping
self.stoi = self.word2idx_dict
# Integer to string (word) reverse mapping
self.itos = self.word_list
self.num_vocab = len(self.word_list)
self.UNK_INDEX = (
if self.UNK_TOKEN in self.word2idx_dict
else None
self.PAD_INDEX = (
if self.PAD_TOKEN in self.word2idx_dict
else None
def idx2word(self, n_w):
return self.word_list[n_w]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.word_list)
def get_size(self):
return len(self.word_list)
def get_unk_index(self):
return self.UNK_INDEX
def get_unk_token(self):
return self.UNK_TOKEN
def word2idx(self, w):
if w in self.word2idx_dict:
return self.word2idx_dict[w]
elif self.UNK_INDEX is not None:
return self.UNK_INDEX
raise ValueError(
"word %s not in dictionary \
(while dictionary does not contain <unk>)"
% w
def tokenize_and_index(self, sentence):
inds = [self.word2idx(w) for w in tokenize(sentence)]
return inds
class VocabFromText(VocabDict):
def __init__(
if keep is None:
keep = []
if remove is None:
remove = []
token_counter = Counter()
for sentence in sentences:
tokens = tokenize(sentence, regex=regex, keep=keep, remove=remove)
token_list = []
for token in token_counter:
if token_counter[token] >= min_count:
extras = self.DEFAULT_TOKENS
if only_unk_extra:
extras = [self.UNK_TOKEN]
self.word_list = extras + token_list
[docs]class TextDecoder:
"""Base class to be inherited by all decoding strategies. Contains
implementations that are common for all strategies.
vocab (list): Collection of all words in vocabulary.
def __init__(self, vocab):
self._vocab = vocab
self._vocab_size = vocab.get_size()
# Lists to store completed sequences and scores
self._complete_seqs = []
self._complete_seqs_scores = []
def init_batch(self, sample_list):
img_size = sample_list.image_feature_0.size()
self._batch_size, feature_size_1, feature_size_2 = img_size
t_batch_size = self._batch_size * self._decode_size
self.seqs = sample_list.answers.new_full(
(t_batch_size, 1), self._vocab.SOS_INDEX, dtype=torch.long
sample_list.image_feature_0 = (
.expand(-1, self._decode_size, -1, -1)
.reshape(t_batch_size, feature_size_1, feature_size_2)
self.sample_list = sample_list
return sample_list
def add_next_word(self, seqs, prev_word_inds, next_word_inds):
return torch.cat([seqs[prev_word_inds], next_word_inds.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
def find_complete_inds(self, next_word_inds):
incomplete_inds = []
for ind, next_word in enumerate(next_word_inds):
if next_word != self._vocab.EOS_INDEX:
complete_inds = list(set(range(len(next_word_inds))) - set(incomplete_inds))
return complete_inds, incomplete_inds
def update_data(self, data, prev_word_inds, next_word_inds, incomplete_inds):
data["texts"] = next_word_inds[incomplete_inds].unsqueeze(1)
h1 = data["state"]["td_hidden"][0][prev_word_inds[incomplete_inds]]
c1 = data["state"]["td_hidden"][1][prev_word_inds[incomplete_inds]]
h2 = data["state"]["lm_hidden"][0][prev_word_inds[incomplete_inds]]
c2 = data["state"]["lm_hidden"][1][prev_word_inds[incomplete_inds]]
data["state"] = {"td_hidden": (h1, c1), "lm_hidden": (h2, c2)}
return data
class BeamSearch(TextDecoder):
def __init__(self, vocab, config):
self._decode_size = config["inference"]["params"]["beam_length"]
def init_batch(self, sample_list):
self.sample_list = super().init_batch(sample_list)
# initialize with t_batch_size = _batch_size * _decode_size
self.top_k_scores = sample_list.answers.new_zeros(
(self._batch_size * self._decode_size, 1), dtype=torch.float
# maintain _decode_size, _complete_seqs and _complete_seqs_scores
# for each example in a batch.
self._decode_sizes = [self._decode_size] * self._batch_size
for _ in range(self._batch_size):
return self.sample_list
def decode(self, t, data, scores):
# Add predicted scores to top_k_scores
scores = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(scores, dim=1)
scores = self.top_k_scores.expand_as(scores) + scores
# Find next top k scores and words. We flatten the scores tensor here
# and get the top_k_scores and their indices top_k_words
top_k_scores, top_k_words = [], []
ex_start = 0
for decode_size in self._decode_sizes:
ex_end = ex_start + decode_size
if t == 0:
top_k_score, top_k_word = scores[ex_start].topk(
decode_size, 0, True, True
top_k_score, top_k_word = (
scores[ex_start:ex_end].view(-1).topk(decode_size, 0, True, True)
ex_start = ex_end
self.top_k_scores = torch.stack(top_k_scores)
# Convert to vocab indices. top_k_words contain indices from a flattened
# k x vocab_size tensor. To get prev_word_indices we divide top_k_words
# by vocab_size to determine which index in the beam among k generated
# the next top_k_word. To get next_word_indices we take top_k_words
# modulo vocab_size index. For example :
# vocab_size : 9491
# top_k_words : [610, 7, 19592, 9529, 292]
# prev_word_ind : [0, 0, 2, 1, 0]
# next_word_ind : [610, 7, 610, 38, 292]
# further, shift the prev_word_ind by ex_start to find corresponding example
# within a batch.
ex_start = 0
prev_word_inds, next_word_inds = [], []
for ex_idx, decode_size in enumerate(self._decode_sizes):
prev_word_inds.extend((top_k_words[ex_idx] // self._vocab_size) + ex_start)
next_word_inds.extend(top_k_words[ex_idx] % self._vocab_size)
ex_start += decode_size
prev_word_inds = torch.stack(prev_word_inds)
next_word_inds = torch.stack(next_word_inds)
# Add new words to sequences
self.seqs = self.add_next_word(self.seqs, prev_word_inds, next_word_inds)
# Find completed sequences
complete_inds, incomplete_inds = self.find_complete_inds(next_word_inds)
# Add to completed sequences and Reduce beam length
ex_start = 0
for ex_idx, decode_size in enumerate(self._decode_sizes):
for beam_idx in range(ex_start, ex_start + decode_size):
if beam_idx in complete_inds:
top_k_score = self.top_k_scores[beam_idx]
self._decode_sizes[ex_idx] -= 1
ex_start += decode_size
# Proceed with incomplete sequences
if sum(self._decode_sizes) == 0:
return True, data, 0
self.seqs = self.seqs[incomplete_inds]
self.top_k_scores = self.top_k_scores[incomplete_inds].unsqueeze(1)
# TODO: Make the data update generic for any type of model
# This is specific to BUTD model only.
image_feature_0 = self.sample_list.image_feature_0
self.sample_list.image_feature_0 = image_feature_0[incomplete_inds]
data = self.update_data(data, prev_word_inds, next_word_inds, incomplete_inds)
next_beam_length = len(prev_word_inds[incomplete_inds])
return False, data, next_beam_length
def get_result(self):
captions = []
max_len = 0
for ex_idx in range(len(self._complete_seqs_scores)):
if len(self._complete_seqs_scores[ex_idx]) == 0:
captions.append([0] * 5)
max_len = max(5, max_len)
max_score = max(self._complete_seqs_scores[ex_idx])
max_idx = self._complete_seqs_scores[ex_idx].index(max_score)
max_len = max(max_len, len(captions[-1]))
for ex_idx in range(len(captions)):
padded_tokens = [self._vocab.PAD_INDEX] * (max_len - len(captions[ex_idx]))
return torch.FloatTensor(captions)
class NucleusSampling(TextDecoder):
"""Nucleus Sampling is a new text decoding strategy that avoids likelihood
maximization. Rather, it works by sampling from the smallest set of top
tokens which have a cumulative probability greater than a specified
Present text decoding strategies like beam search do not work well on open-ended
generation tasks (even on strong language models like GPT-2). They tend to repeat
text a lot and the main reason behind it is that they try to maximize likelihood,
which is a contrast from human-generated text which has a mix of high and low
probability tokens.
Nucleus Sampling is a stochastic approach and resolves this issue. Moreover,
it improves upon other stochastic methods like top-k sampling by choosing the
right amount of tokens to sample from. The overall result is better text
generation on the same language model.
Link to the paper introducing Nucleus Sampling (Section 6) -
vocab (list): Collection of all words in vocabulary.
sum_threshold (float): Ceiling of sum of probabilities of tokens to
sample from.
def __init__(self, vocab, config):
self._decode_size = 1
# Threshold for sum of probability
self._threshold = config["inference"]["params"]["sum_threshold"]
def decode(self, t, data, scores):
# Convert scores to probabilities
scores = torch.nn.functional.softmax(scores, dim=1)
# Sort scores in descending order and then select the top m elements having
# sum more than threshold.
# We get the top_m_scores and their indices top_m_words
if t == 0:
top_m_scores, top_m_words = scores[0].sort(0, True)
top_m_scores, top_m_words = scores.view(-1).sort(0, True)
last_index = 0
score_sum = 0
for score in top_m_scores:
last_index += 1
score_sum += score
if score_sum >= self._threshold:
top_m_scores = torch.div(top_m_scores[:last_index], score_sum)
top_m_words = top_m_words[:last_index]
# Zero value inside prev_word_inds because we are predicting a single
# stream of output.
prev_word_ind = torch.tensor([0])
# Get next word based on probabilities of top m words.
next_word_ind = top_m_words[torch.multinomial(top_m_scores, 1)]
# Add next word to sequence
self.seqs = self.add_next_word(self.seqs, prev_word_ind, next_word_ind)
# Check if sequence is complete
complete_inds, incomplete_inds = self.find_complete_inds(next_word_ind)
# If sequence is complete then return
if len(complete_inds) > 0:
return True, data, 0
self.seqs = self.seqs[incomplete_inds]
data = self.update_data(data, prev_word_ind, next_word_ind, incomplete_inds)
return False, data, 1
def get_result(self):
if len(self._complete_seqs) == 0:
captions = torch.FloatTensor([0] * 5).unsqueeze(0)
captions = torch.FloatTensor(self._complete_seqs[0]).unsqueeze(0)
return captions