
MMF has been tested on Python 3.7+ and PyTorch 1.6. We recommend using a conda environment to install MMF.

Creating a conda environment [Optional]#

Assuming you have conda installed, run:

conda create -n mmf python=3.7
conda activate mmf

Install from source [Recommended]#

To install from source do:

git clone
cd mmf
pip install --editable .

In case you met permission issues when running the command, try to install to user folder and disable build isolation.

pip install --editable . --user --no-build-isolation

Install using pip#

MMF can be installed using pip with the following command:

pip install --upgrade --pre mmf

Use this if:

  • You are using MMF as a library and not developing inside MMF. Take a look at the extending MMF tutorial.
  • You want easy installation and don't care about up-to-date features. Note that pip packages are always outdated relative to installing from source.

Alternatively, to install latest MMF version from GitHub using pip, use

pip install git+


If you are on Windows, run the pip install commands with an extra argument like:

pip install -f --editable .

Running tests [Optional]#

MMF uses pytest for testing. To verify everything and run tests at your end do:

pytest ./tests/

Contributing to MMF#

We welcome all contributions to MMF. Have a look at our contributing guidelines to get started.

Last updated on by Amanpreet Singh